Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Favorite Childhood Pastimes...

I think there were several...

But organizing talent shows in my garage was probably right up there on top.

And when I think about it... What mom would want to spend her entire Saturday off having recital costumes slung all over her kitchen table and having kids running in and out of the door all day making quick changes? But somehow, she seemed to be okay with it. Oh and also... I think my mom was usually pretty much our only audience...

We also had a little metal trough over on the west side of our house where we housed frogs. And they would spawn tadpoles from time to time... so I remember spending alot of my time over there too.

And then there was back in the day, when we weren't so fearful of going out into the world... and even spending the whole day out there. There were fields and hills and trails to explore, which of course we did.

Imagine having a field of grass right across the street that had grown so tall that you could literally get lost in it for a whole afternoon. (To be precise, it was right across the street from my babysitter's, which was still pretty much like home.)

And we didn't have the internet... or video games back in those days. But we would play kick-ball in the vacant lot until the sun went down like a big orange ball that looked surprisingly like... the big orange ball we'd just been playing with.

But most surprising memory of all is how I use to zoom at hyper-speeds down the hills of my town on my bicycle without any care in the world at all. Pretty strange and funny when I think about it now, given all my abandon on the highways...

1 comment:

molnar ramblings said...

I was a future chef. Mudpies were my specialty!
You were the talent and I was the cook! That is appropriate for us both don't you think?